Channel: Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11 forum
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Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002

I am new here and hope this is the correct forum for my post. I wanna download something, Google Chrome forexample but Internet Explorer give to me this:

 Windows    : 6.1.7601.65536 (Win32NT)
 Common Language Runtime  : 4.0.30319.18444
 System.Deployment.dll   : 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
 clr.dll    : 4.0.30319.18444 built by: FX451RTMGDR
 dfdll.dll    : 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
 dfshim.dll    : 4.0.41209.0 (Main.041209-0000)

 Deployment url   :

 Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
 * Activation of resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
  + Не удается найти указанный файл. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)

 No transaction error was detected.

 There were no warnings during this operation.

 * [02.08.2014 19:30:28] : Activation of  has started.

 Following errors were detected during this operation.
 * [02.08.2014 19:30:29] System.IO.FileNotFoundException
  - Не удается найти указанный файл. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)
  - Source: System.Deployment
  - Stack trace:
   at System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IsolationInterop.GetUserStore(UInt32 Flags, IntPtr hToken, Guid& riid)
   at System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IsolationInterop.GetUserStore()
   at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentStore..ctor(ComponentStoreType storeType, SubscriptionStore subStore)
   at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore..ctor(String deployPath, String tempPath, ComponentStoreType storeType)
   at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.get_CurrentUser()
   at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
   at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)

 No transaction information is available.


Internet explorer 9 download link

I was able to find a download link for the 64 bit, but i need a link to download the 32bit, thanks in advance for your assistance....

Internet Explorer 8


We are using enterprise vault for email archiving. Our Exchange running on Exchange 2007 SP3.

We had enabled user to archive the email via OWA by installing EV plugin. Everyone able to archive email via OWA. the issue happen only to this user. When she logged to OWA and try to acrhive, it will failed with error:. She able to archive the email via OWA on another PC

Client Information
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2)
CPU Class: x86
Platform: Win32
System Language: en-us
User Language: en-us
CookieEnabled: true
Mime Types: 
Exception Details
Date: Thu Jul 31 10:24:57 UTC+0600 2014
Message: Invalid argument.
Url: https://mail.contoso.com/owa/EnterpriseVault/v8.0.3.1892/scripts/archive.js
Line: 154
Call Stack
EVArchiveItems(sFolderId, aItemIds)
 sC = 'evarchive'
 oC = https://mail.contoso.com/owa/?ae=Folder&t=IPF.Note&a=#
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  onmousedown = function onBDn(){var oB=this;if(g_oCurM!=null&&g_oCurM!=oB&&!oB._mnuItm)hdeMnu();if(oB.unselectable=="on"){try{var oAE=document.activeElement;if(oAE&&oAE.tagName!="IFRAME"){oB.focus();oAE.focus();}}catch(e){}}aplStl(oB,g_oDwn);}
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  onclick = function onClkB(){var oB=this;canEvt();if(null!=oB._sbMnu){if(g_oCurM!=oB)shwMnu(oB);return ;}if(oB._stky=="1"){oB._pushed=(true==oB._pushed);if(!oB._pushed)aplStl(oB,g_oDwn);if(!oB._pushed){oB._pushed=true;var sT=oB._tgl;if(null!=sT){var rgsE=sT.split(";");for(var i=0;i<rgsE.length;i++){var o=g_oAll[rgsE[i]];aplStl(o,g_oDef);o._pushed=false;}}}else if(oB._pushed&&!oB._radio){oB._pushed=false;aplStl(oB,g_oDef);}}if(null!=oB._swp){hideEm(oB.parentElement);var rgsE=oB._swp.split(";");for(var i=0;i<rgsE.length;i++){var o=g_oAll[rgsE[i]].parentElement;showEm(o,isDisp(o));}}if(g_oCurM!=null)hdeMnu();clkBtn(oB.id,oB);return ;}
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  innerHTML = <IMG src="EnterpriseVault/v8.0.3.1892/images/evarchive.gif">Archive
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  href = https://mail.contoso.com/owa/?ae=Folder&t=IPF.Note&a=#
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  search = ?ae=Folder&t=IPF.Note&a=
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  protocolLong = HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy
  hash = 
  port = 443
  urn = 
  name = lnkB
  hostname = mail.contoso.com
  Methods = 
  rel = 
  target = 
clkBtn(sC, oV)
 sC = 'evarchive'
 oV = https://mail.contoso.com/owa/?ae=Folder&t=IPF.Note&a=#
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  onclick = function onClkB(){var oB=this;canEvt();if(null!=oB._sbMnu){if(g_oCurM!=oB)shwMnu(oB);return ;}if(oB._stky=="1"){oB._pushed=(true==oB._pushed);if(!oB._pushed)aplStl(oB,g_oDwn);if(!oB._pushed){oB._pushed=true;var sT=oB._tgl;if(null!=sT){var rgsE=sT.split(";");for(var i=0;i<rgsE.length;i++){var o=g_oAll[rgsE[i]];aplStl(o,g_oDef);o._pushed=false;}}}else if(oB._pushed&&!oB._radio){oB._pushed=false;aplStl(oB,g_oDef);}}if(null!=oB._swp){hideEm(oB.parentElement);var rgsE=oB._swp.split(";");for(var i=0;i<rgsE.length;i++){var o=g_oAll[rgsE[i]].parentElement;showEm(o,isDisp(o));}}if(g_oCurM!=null)hdeMnu();clkBtn(oB.id,oB);return ;}
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  href = https://mail.contoso.com/owa/?ae=Folder&t=IPF.Note&a=#
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  protocolLong = HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy
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  port = 443
  urn = 
  name = lnkB
  hostname = mail.contoso.com
  Methods = 
  rel = 
  target = 

Dump Event
 recordset = null
 type = error
 fromElement = null
 toElement = null
 altLeft = false
 keyCode = 0
 repeat = false
 reason = 0
 data = 
 behaviorCookie = 0
 source = null
 contentOverflow = false
 behaviorPart = 0
 url = 
 dataTransfer = null
 ctrlKey = false
 shiftLeft = false
 dataFld = 
 returnValue = undefined
 qualifier = 
 wheelDelta = 0
 bookmarks = null
 button = 0
 srcFilter = null
 nextPage = 
 cancelBubble = false
 x = 0
 y = 0
 srcElement = null
 screenX = 478
 screenY = 430
 srcUrn = 
 origin = 
 boundElements = [object]
 clientX = 298
 clientY = 208
 propertyName = 
 shiftKey = false
 ctrlLeft = false
 offsetX = 0
 offsetY = 0
 altKey = false
 errorMessage = Invalid argument.
 errorUrl = https://mail.contoso.com/owa/EnterpriseVault/v8.0.3.1892/scripts/archive.js
 errorLine = 154
 errorCharacter = 13
 errorCode = 0

Please advice.

IE10&11 Dynamic port usage.



Since we upgraded to IE10 on a 2008 R2 terminal server we're getting the error "This page cannot be displayed" After a few minutes it would start working again, I was able to reproduce the error by going to a site with a lot of images, like google maps for example. I performed a netstat and saw that IE was using 100's of ports, it appears to open a new port for every connection to the remote server. As a result I think that with 10 or 15 people on the terminal server browsing the internet, the server runs out of dynamic ports. Is there any way to make IE10&11 reuse TCP connections rather than opening new connections to the remote server, or a way to restrict the amount of ports it uses?

During testing I found that IE9, Firefox and Chrome do not act this way.

W-8 and/or IE10 errors

I get to my desired home page following powerup and load.  Then when I try to go to another web site using IE10 I see multiple web sites that I did not know even existed.  What's going on here ???

Set Privacy Level to medium through HKCU registry



We need to eliminate the Internet Explorer Maintenance GPO settings and do not want to use Internet Explorer Administration Kit to achieve this goal.

We need to set the Privacy Level to Medium and Websites: Always Allow(None); Always Block (None).

I saw the 1A10 dword value but this sets only 3 levels. And when I change something in the registry I do nopt see this in the Internet Options.

So if anyone has a nice/good/great answer for me please let me know. Just need a registry value to set through preferences.



yours sincerly, Robin E. Turpijn Microsoft Technical Specialist @ triNext, Nieuwegein NL.

Internet Explorer 10 cookies and roaming profiles (WebCache directory)



I'm having a cookie problem on 2 out of 2 tested environments using Windows Server 2008 R2 (with roaming profiles) and Internet Explorer 10 (IEAK'ed) :S

For instance when I login to www.google.com with my username and password, as long as I'm using my Windows session I'm logged in towww.google.com every time I open the browser (with all iexplore.exe processes closed before). When I logoff my Windows session my (roaming) profile is beeing saved on the fileserver and the locally cached Windows profile is beeing deleted.

When I logon to Windows again (on the same computer) the roaming profile is beeing copied from the fileserver to my client (including the .txt cookies), butwww.google.com isn't logging me in automatically. The same thing happens with other cookies related stuff on websites :S

Also tried WITH and WITHOUT folder redirection for AppData/Cookies/etc, even a newly installed environment with Microsoft defaults is giving me problems.

Anybody out there having the same problem ?

IE 11 - Open in new Tab Not Working


When I click on a link that should open in a new tab (or right-click and select Open in new Tab), IE11 Opens a new tab but the screen is blank, the URL is about:blank and the tab title is 'Blank Page'.

Windows 8.1 x64
Internet Explorer 11 (Desktop)

The 'Metro' version of IE 11 still works fine, it's just the Desktop version which is broken.

I've tried all the fixes listed in the similar thread, but none have helped.

IE 11 opens blank tab

IPP feature to map network printers


Hello everybody,

Please let me quickly explain the issue I am facing at the moment. We have an internal webpage on out intranet which displays all the printers available and gives the option to the user to map it using the following link (IPP is installed on our printserver):


The Printserver is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 and all our Clients are running on Windows 7 64-bit.

So far so good, everything was working without any issues - now we are in the middle of a Internet Explorer 11 rollout and now the mapping of the printer via the URL isn't working anymore. Here what happens when opening an URL:

Internet Eplorer 9
I can see a Pop-Up which tells me something like "Do you want to create a printer connection to \\PRINTSERVER\PRINTER ?"

Internet Explorer 11
No Pop-Up is displayed and I can see a webpage "PRINTER on PRINTSERVER" with some basic information like "Printer Queue", "Waiting Time", etc.

The even more funny thing is: When I enable Enterprise Mode for the webpage which is trying to map the printer then it's working as it should and as it did back on Internet Explorer 9.

Maybe anyone was facing the same issue and can provide me some help?

Thanks a lot,

Group Policy to disable (Preserve Favorites website data)



 I have a problem with a government health website that can only be used in IE8 or higher. The problem I am getting is that the website will work fine for a couple of days and then it will say this page can not be displayed. If I go and do a reset of IE and delete all personal settings it will work again for a couple of days. I called the government help desk and they told me that I have to shut off the preserve favorites website data feature in the browser history settings. I have over 100 + computer with over 160 users. I am wondering if there is a Group Policy some were that will allow me to shut this feature off as I really do not want to have to go around to all users in the organization to shut this off?

Error Prompt


Does anyone have a solution as to how to get rid of this prompt? Every time I open a new window in internet explorer, I get this message. Please help.


The server secure.huluqa.com is asking for your user name and password.

The server reports that it is from secure.qa.hulu.com"

The page can't be displayed error on most websites


Recently I've been experiencing difficulties with my web browser (Internet Explorer 10) in which it doesn't display most websites. It can do google.co.uk but not google.com. This also happens when I try it in Google Chrome, I get this error:

"We could not display the webpage because it took too long to respond."


I don't think this is to do with the router as I can use another device to connect to it and it works wirelessly, too. I forgot to mention this is a wireless network connection.

I also ran the Network Troubleshooter and it mentioned the network cable may be broken and damaged.

Could you please help me solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

---- JDS404 ---- Check out my blog at www.interlinkjds.wordpress.com!

IE 9 is not showing up anywhere on window 7 64 bit system after reinstalling


Hi, I uninstalled non working windows 9 via unchecking the installed Microsoft updates and reinstalled IE 9 windows 7 64 bit. Installer application said the installation is successful and it restarted the system but now i don't see IE anywhere on my system. It does not show up in installed programs or no shortcuts in program files. Please help



Windows 8.1 not letting me change my default search provider


I recently upgraded my PC to Windows 8.1 and I am trying to set Google as my default search engine in Internet Explorer. I’ve worked through the process of changing this to Google but it’s not working. I click the ‘add to internet explorer’ button and nothing happens, I got someone to test on a Windows 7 PC and they get a pop-up saying ‘Do you want to add this search provider?’ However on my Windows 8.1 machine this pop-up doesn’t appear.

IE11 doesn't accept format of domainname\username when authentication through ADFS


I am using IE11 , when I log on to Office365 through ADFS , the login page only accepts userprincipalname format . It doesn't accept domain\username format , if use domain\username , password will prompt again and again .

However , the issue is not happening on Firefox or Chrome on same computer , and also , the issue is not happening on a different computer which has same IE version .

could anyone please help me on this ? Thanks in advance

Doesn't Show Numbers In Persian



how can I get numbers to show up in Persian?

I have IE 10

No spell check add-ons installed on my IE 10 (Win8)


manger add-ons windows in IE 10 have no spell check..

Anyone know how to get the official spell check back to the IE 10? i think i have accidently uninstalled spell check...  i have tried to reset/reinstall the IE 10 and i just don't want to reinstall window for just a minor issue... any help would be much appericated. Thanks....!

IE11 - registry value for AcceptLanguage becomes blank


We are in testing phase for IE9 to IE11 migration in our environment.

  • On test system we found that on gpupdate the value of registry "AcceptLanguage" inHKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International becomes blank, and this is not acceptable since some of our applications are dependent on this value
  • Even if the entry is removed or set with a value, upon gpupdate the entry is reappearing with a blank value.
  • We have checked all linked GPOs for users & computers and scripts for any settings affecting this value and found none
  • The registry was unaffected when the same computer had IE9 and group policy was refreshed

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Internet Explorer display blank page


Hi all,

I have IE10 x64 and Win 7 x64 + SP1, but my IE cannot open any page. I mean, when I type any URL in IE, loads and then display an blank page to me. The title is blank, the page is blank. All the other application that use a embedded explorer control also displays nothing. 

  • Click settings icon: The "About Internet Explorer" is gray. Many other menus are gray (such as "Print" and "Save as").
  • Right click on the blank page,  no context menu displayed.
  • Tried to run IE without extension, the issue.
  • disabled GPU rendering won't fix the issue.
  • uninstall then re-install won't fix the issue.
  • run "sfc /scannow", say nothing goes wrong.
  • Google chrome works properly.


Press alt to call out menu bars, most of the menu items doesn't work, except those in the View menu. (View source doesn't work, either.) 


IE version: 10.0.9200

Windows 7 (6.1 build 7601 Service Pack 1)

Display Card: nVidia GTS 450

Blank page

UPDATE: Uninstalled IE 10, IE 9 still displaying blank pages. It might be something wrong with the system. Ho can tell me how to fix?

UPDATE2: Do iediagcmd.exe then regsvr32 on some dlls, then re-install IE 10, now menus are recovered, local files can be properly displayed on IE if launched with. But if I start IE then tried to load pages, not working; loading a remote HTML page is still broken.

UPDATE3: IE 11 still not working.


A new upgrade install of Windows 7 (with SP1) solves this issue. There might be registry error.

IE11 Tabs not loading.

<p>Windows 7 64, SP1 IE11 All the latest updates. When at my home page, a local ABC tv station, I have the choice of downloading a desktop radar to follow storms through out the day. When I click on the item to open this I get nothing just a flash of the home page. When I go to Google news and decide I want to read an item upon clicking on the store I get a blank tab. I can copy the shortcut and paste it into the blank page and the hit Enter and it will open up. I downloaded Chrome and checked it and I have no problem. I removed IE11 by way of the Update page and reverted back to IE9. I found out I could not download IE11 onto IE9 so downloaded IE10 and then IE11. 9, 10, and 11 all showed the same problem. I had no problems until about 2 to 3 weeks ago around the time the last Internet Explorer update came out. Another thing I notice was I no longer get the notice that a popup had been block and ask what I wanted to do about it. My IP has a computer repair and install section and I spoke with one of the repair people and he connected to my computer and spent two hours working through my computer. He could find nothing to account for this problem but gave me several things to do and call him the next day. Which I did and we still could not find the problem. I have run Malwarebytes;Premium, ComboFIX, PC Health Boost, Avira. In all my research on TABS it seems this has been a problem that goes back to IE9 and IE10 and now IE11. I have been on line since 1995 and with Windows since dos and Windows 3.1. I don't want to have to use Chrome but to get things done I need to right now. Help
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